Friday 15 December 2017

TMO Forthcoming Consultation

I have lawyered up again re the forthcoming consultation on the future of the management of our Tmo homes, most especially with respect to the choice of consultant(s) and structure of the consultation, and then the implementation of the results. I am particularly mindful of tenants in a similar situation to mine who, living in single blocks, not estates, do not have any group representation. I will publish the received advice on this blog.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Tenants Consultative Committee

This well attended event took place on 11 December 2017 at the Town Hall. Initially, it was for resident associations, but having heard about it on the grapevine, I requested an invite, as a TMO tenant living in a small block, with no representation. It was chaired by Cllr Mackover,  Cllr Nichols, Cclr Taylor-Smith, & Doug Goldring.

Purpose of meeting: find a way forward for the TMO, AS PER TENANTS & LEASEHOLDERS WISHES, with practical assistance from the council, fr a borough wide consultation.

Terms of consultation, duration, etc... to be decided by US. What form this US will take (elected or appointed or a mix of both) is also to be decided by us. The idea of a main panel with sub-panels was floated about. Training for those on the panel will be available. Since monies from our rents will be use to fund the consultation, the consultants will be answerable to US.

It was recognised that small blocks needed a different process.

The consultation may take 6 months to a full year, during which the TMO would continue to take care of repairs in a timely fashion.

Suggestion that future meeting should be broadcast online (like council meetings) was accepted.

The expression SELF-DETERMINATION was used. I objected to the expression consultative, as consulting is not binding, so a new word will have to be formulated.

There was a wide consensus for the management of RBKC council housing  to go back IN HOUSE, with a preference for small localised repair offices.

In the future, ALL TMO members should be notified. Much work remains to be done, in particular making sure that ALL TMO tenants have representation, and can participate to ALL the decisions concerning how, in the future, we want our homes managed.

If I have forgotten anything and you were present at this meeting, please do add it in the Comments section.

Below are pictures of the 2 pages invitation letter, they can be downloaded.