Thursday 28 December 2017

Latest re Tenants Consultation

1 comment:

  1. Dear RBKC council tenants, As before, things like fraud involving fund handed to non-grenfell survivors, incompetency and disrepair continues. Crime reported but a criminal is protected and let off if they are 'working' for the Council. What else is happening around the borough? I would like to know because I think the only way to sort it out is to let it out in the open. For feel good factor, meetings happening and policies are being worked on currently but that is where it's going to stop and we will be back to square one. It is already happening, you just don't know it. Please send me your horror stories tenants and I'll publish it in a blog (minus your personal data). This is the only way that the tenants will know that they are not the only one victimised. My email address is
