Wednesday 18 October 2017


The TMO AGM took place as scheduled. To gain access inside the Great Hall, you had to have your bags searched, and be scanned by a handheld metal detector. Then you had to show a form of ID, which further slowed down the whole process, as names were manually verified on computers. Obviously, the TMO has never heard of Q codes. No wonder that the AGM started 45mns late.

In the early afternoon, there had been a flurry of consultations, since 2 individuals had obtained legal advice, including an 8 page opinion by a QC, which tore through the reasons for voting for resolutions 5 & 6, badly drafted and unsubstantiated as they were, and the threat of an injunction to declare the AGM illegal.

For those reasons, the TMO "gracefully" bowed to legal pressure and put forward a motion to postpone the AGM. This was carried through, after much bla bla from the board. No time frame was given as to when it may resume. The council Deputy-Leader made a speech, claiming to want to listen to what us tenants & leaseholders wanted, as opposed to what RBKC thought we wanted.

The idea of a consultation was repeated by the board, but no details as to its format & length was given, nor when it might take place.

The entire board of governors was also on the stage, but they never talked or intervened. Imagine a mute chorus in a Greek tragedy, and you won't be far wrong.

There was quite a bit of anger from the audience, but not enough to cause the AGM to be terminated prematurely.

The struggle is not yet over!

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